Health Europa
Digital Editor
January 2020 - April 2020
Role and Responsibilities
Health Europa is a digital publication with over 533,000 readers a month. The publication specialises in finding the latest trends and following new developments in the healthcare industry across Europe and beyond.
My day would consist of finding trending topics on Google trends and creating a new angle for a story, sourcing original content and interviews, keeping up to date with any further information released by clients or any breakthrough research, editing and proofreading strip copy for e-books, partner profiles and the Health Europa quarterly publication.
Additionally, I liked keeping in close contact with my sales team, so I could quickly satisfy any story requests or gather analytical information to help with their pitches. I would create weekly reports for the company with a breakdown and explanation of the previous week's statistics and article performance.
After completing and proofreading each article, I would choose the imagery from iStock. I always tried to ensure I decided on an engaging and eye-capturing photo to sell the piece as much as possible across social media.
I also used search engine optimisation to ensure each story ranked highly on Google news. I would always try to include the keyword in each article's headline, meta and first paragraph.
One of my highlights throughout my short time at the company was this piece I wrote about the non-invasive management of diabetes.
It received over 1,000,000 views and was trending at the top of Google news for three days when searching for diabetes. I would share my articles across the company's Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts for maximum exposure.
Alongside writing articles, I increased the company's LinkedIn following from 679 to over 1200 by regularly engaging across the social media site.
Please visit this link to view more of my articles on the Health Europa website.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on smaller businesses, I was made redundant from the company, which explains my short time working there.